Brian T. Murphy's Birmingham Night Skyline, April 1, 2008.

Today’s Discussion on Birmingham Leadership

I mentioned last week that The Birmingham News would host a roundtable discussion about leadership in Birmingham with local leaders and the community.

Well, that discussion is taking place today at The News, where seating is limited. It will be streamed live from But those who want to join the discussion can take part via the online chat with columnist Eddie Lard. The event is from 12:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. Continue reading →

The Picture That Changed Birmingham

The May 14, 1961, picture of Klansmen savagely beating non-violent Freedom Riders upon their arrival at the Birmingham Trailways bus station helped change the city’s course toward a destiny it has yet to achieve. Continue reading →

Amid the Rubble, A Beautiful Spirit Shines Through

I’ve dreamt of tornadoes before. But none of my dreams was ever like the one I had about two weeks ago. In it, the tornado funnels seemed to fall out of a blustery sky toward the ground, one after another, several at a time, two or three funnels in a swirling mass of dark gray clouds.

Another scene in this dream sequence that’s too ghastly for me to repeat here. It was terrible enough to make me wake up. I shoved those scenes deep into a mental corner as I would any bad dream and tried to forget them.

I wish I could wake up from the living nightmare that struck our state last week.To my great discomfort and sorrow, it was not a dream.  Continue reading →