
Tommy’s Words of Wisdom

Tommy Wrenn, a long-time civil rights activist and Birmingham foot soldier, died last week.  He did more to help me understand the true meaning and spiritual concepts of the Movement more than any book I’ve ever read. It is a shame when living icons leave. But fortunately, he left behind a grio’s legacy of stories and remembrances to touch the next generation of  city leaders. Continue reading →

Children’s Education and History’s Lessons

dr._steve_perryMany of you probably know of Dr. Steve Perry. For those who don’t, he’s become the new face of education reform in America thanks to CNN. The network highlighted the success-against-the-odds principal Perry and his Capital Preparatory Magnet School, a public school in Hartford, Conn. that he helped found, in its 2009 “Black in America” series.

And after listening to Perry’s speech at the African American Business Council’s recent annual luncheon, I understand why he’s been successful. Continue reading →